Portrait of Nachama Wilker, Founder and CEO, at her desk with her laptop in front of her. On the laptop is a sticker that celebrates the 25th Anniversary of the A.D.A, saying disability rights are civil rights.

Let us help you thrive.

At Thrive Partnerships, we are passionate about supporting nonprofit leaders to build, sustain and grow dynamic high-performing organizations. Our model is tailored to meet the needs of each client, designed to be immediately usable, and draws from the skills, knowledge, and experience developed over 40 years with protection and advocacy agencies, legal services, disability and other mission-driven social justice organizations. Our services include, but are not limited to…

  • Executive Leadership Coaching

  • Interim Executive Director Provision

  • Leadership Development and Training

  • Nonprofit Board Development and Retreat Facilitation

  • Organizational Assessments and Development

  • Strategic Planning Facilitation and Implementation

Visit Our Services page to learn more or, to read about Thrive Partnerships and the expert consultants with whom we’re honored to work, visit the About Us page.

Contact Nachama, Thrive’s Founder and CEO

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Based in Washington, D.C.

A more formal portrait of Nachama Wilker, CEO and Founder of Thrive Partnerships.